Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Question Of The Day

Mac or Pc? And why?

Seriously considering a change, so I need to know.


YM said...

I use a PC, but I can't say it's better or worse than a Mac because I've never tried one.

Kathleen... said...

Mac, because I'm technologically challenged. I don't understand much about either computing hemisphere, but the Apple people/systems are all about support/help. And the pictures/icons of the Mac are terrific for Preschoolers. lol

Jarhead™ said...

Mac. More intuitive. Less susceptibility to viruses. way ahead of the curve as far as technology.

We switched earlier this year and never looked back. I feel retarded when I have to come to work and use a PC all day. But then again, maybe that's just because I am retarded.

Switch. you won't regret it. Go to an Apple Store and have one of the people show you how Apple is flexible enough to interface with MS software, manage your calendars, email, etc and connect all your computers to your iPhone.

You're doing the reverse of what we did. I still don't have an iPhone ~ that's my Christmas present. But all of our comuters are Macs.

txtrigger said...

hubby talked me into a Macbook a few years ago. It had a slight learning curve, but now I am not sure I could go back. We have found Apple Service very good. Had issue with my laptop and took it to apple store, and fixed it under a warrenty even tho I bought it second hand. Hubby could help you with choosing a laptop if you went that way

wspouse said...

Blog peeps, while I appreciate your answering whusbands question, here's the motive behind it...somebody who shall remain nameless (but mentioned above) and is a techno/gadget guy (hope I haven't given the identity away) wants a new computer and is fishing for info/ please, don't feed the beast!
Personally, as long as the "on/off" button is clearly marked I'm sure I can manage to screw up either brand! :)))
Happy blogging

aroundthecorner said...

W <------ BUSTED

Jarhead™ said...

Damn. Called out on your own blog.


Kathleen... said...

LOL!! W-Spouse has a great sense of humor! You go, Girl...=)

Anonymous said...

You know I'm a Mac guy, we talked about it on the way to the Sprint Cup race. Pics via email from the race coming soon!