Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* There is a chill in the air this morning, but the afternoon temps are supposed to be in the upper 70s.
* I made it to the "Do Over" day.
* It was Monday, all day yesterday. Nothing went right at work. The well we are working on has a mind of its own. It wasn't happy yesterday and took its frustrations out on us.
* I am positive things will be better today.
* W-spouse woke up real early this morning and was doing some online shopping.
* W-spouse shops at Lane Bryant for some of her attire, she has a nickname for the place. Lane Giant. I crack up everytime she says that.
* If I had my way, Best Buy would start selling grocery items and then that would be my "One Stop Shop".
* I can walk around in there with that look on my face that W-spouse has at Lane Giants.
* I missed seeing Madison yesterday for the first time since she was born. I got up in the night at some point and had a bowl of cereal, and thought about holding her the whole time I was awake.
* She has captured my heart and mind for now.
* As you might recall, I asked a little while back for suggestions to where W-spouse and I could go for our anniversary. That's a big NEVER MIND. Someone that I will fail to mention FORGOT our anniversary date and has taken call at work the WHOLE weekend.
* Next time Katey Sagal calls me and wants to go out, I might FORGET I'm married.
* The NASCAR season is over. Jimmy Johnson has won the championship and makes it five in a row. A dynasty perhaps? Their are very few professional sports team that have won five championships in a row. With the team that he has, and the owner that he has, there is no reason why he couldn't win a few more. They are that good. When it comes to Chase time, they get twice as good.
* Kevin Harvick acted just like I thought he would. A true jerk by nature, a dirty racer on the track. What he did to Kyle Busch was wrong. No way around it. He never lifted the throttle, just drove right through him. Kyle had raced him hard all day and he took offense to that. Be clear on this, Kyle WILL repay him next year. I would bet my next paycheck on that.
* Denny Hamlin qualified way back in the pack. That hurt his chances of having a good day. A spin out early, and a bad pit stop really set him back. As hard as he tried to come back, they never got the car tuned back fast enough to make it to the front. All he could have hoped for was the 48 car to lose a tire or something for him to win it all.
* I am taking a vacation the last week of December. The NASCAR Hall Of Fame opened this year in Charlotte North Carolina. Thats 17 hours and 4 minutes from Decatur. I'm thinking, leave either Wednesday or Thursday and be back Sunday. I've driven to Pennsylvania straight through, non-stop, and also Orlando Florida. If it takes a day to drive there and a day to drive back, that leaves me two days at the Hall Of Fame.
That might be my anniversary present to me. Or if W-spouse wants to go, she might can make some apologetic gesture in the way of tagging along :)
* EDIT: Just realized that is New Years Eve. Hmmmm, maybe leave the day after Christmas then?
* ATTENTION W-BABY MOMMA........There won't be many more NASCAR posts for 90 days or so. Then we start all over at Daytona to kick the year off!
* W-spouse and I are blessed to go to church with, and have a Sunday school class that care about us. They may never know how much they touched our hearts and calmed our minds last Sunday morning.
* We have five children and two grandchildren. Our prayer is that we have planted the right seeds in them to grow, mature and make the right decisions. Our life is like a wheat field, the wheat will grow, and along with the wheat, there will be weeds growing along beside. We need to recognize the weeds from the wheat. We need to use the tools that God has given us to remove the weeds.
* We have learned in the past few weeks in our class how to use these tools. How to apply them to our daily lives. Our prayer is that we will use them to be better parents and grandparents.
* Remember to pray today. Whether you believe or not, what will it hurt? See ya Around The Corner!

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