Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* I'm working today. We didn't have to work on weekends for so long that I got spoiled. It seems weird working on the weekend now.
* Not that I'm complaining, Christmas is just around the corner and the money never hurts.
* I don't HAVE to, I GET to.
* Our district manager and his wife had a Thanksgiving supper/dinner for our store last night. He cooked pork chops and chicken breasts on the cooker and everyone brought side dishes. A good time was had by all. Thanks Stacy for putting that together.
* As I was getting ready to leave for work this morning, W-spouse was sleeping peacefully. She is alone at home today. Shes not on call, and has nothing to do. I hope she sleeps all day. She needs the rest.
* I will also say that she looked beautiful laying/lying there. I wanted to go back to bed and snuggle with her.
* I have decided to take a vacation the week after Christmas. I will be off from the 23 of December to the 3rd of January. I've got big plans for that time off. Plans can change real quick in these parts.
* I haven't seen my Dad in a while. Might have to road trip to East Texas.
* Hmmm, wonder if I can borrow a grandbaby for a few days. She has never met her great grandparents on that side of the family yet.
* W-papa started tearing the welder down yesterday. I don't know if he is wanting it out of his shop, or he was bored and wanting something to do. Either way he told me I needed to get my butt over there and get to work.
* I'm ready for it to be finished so that I can use it. I looked out in the backyard yesterday and saw the boat all covered up and stored for the winter. I need something to do in the winter and that welder is just the thing. W-papa needs a corral/pen built out back. Sounds like a challenge to me!
* I wish I had about 50 joints of 2 /38 pipe laying out there in a pile to start with. Also about 75 stalks of 5/8 sucker rod. Now if I had that, I could build a nice corral/pen.
* We don't have that, and I don't see it falling out of the sky anytime soon, so that last thought was really just a pipe dream.
* "Pipe Dream" as in steel pipe, not a "Smoking Pipe" dream.
* This weekend wraps up the 2010 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series. Denny Hamlin is leading the points chase by 15 points over Jimmy Johnson. Jimmy is a 4 time champion, all in a row, the last 4 years. Denny is in line to unseat him from the throne. Kevin Harvick is 3rd, he has qualified better than either of the other two drivers. The race will be at Homestead in Miami Florida this weekend. This is the closest the chase has ever been at the end of the season. This championship could literally go down to the last lap of this race. There are multiple scenarios that could change the outcome.
* Personally, I want to see Denny Hamlin win it. More than anything, I just want to see someone else win it. I don't want to see Kevin Harvick win it though, he's a jerk. His ego makes him a hated person by many in the NASCAR world.
* My driver, Tony Stewart made the chase. He just has not performed well enough during the chase to be a contender for the championship. He is currently 9th in points. That is good though for a first year team/driver/owner.
* An air bag on one of the trucks that is hauling water off the location just blew out. Now let me explain. I'm typing this, it's quiet. My mind is thinking about NASCAR. KABOOM......right next to my pickup. Yep, just about had to "change my drawers".
* Make someone smile today. I probably just did, see ya Around The Corner!


Anonymous said...

Always enjoy reading your blog. Looking forward to seeing you next week. Love, Mo

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

I think you're on to something with "I don't have to, I get to". Sounds like Jesus to me.