Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, November 8, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* W-spouse left the campground this morning about 5am headed to work.
* I start back tomorrow.
* The camp is nearly packed up. We will finish packing the company trailer this morning and break camp.
* Unfortunately this may be our last time to all camp together.
* There have been some rule changes that the Pesident of our company doesn't like and he's threatening(sp) to take our money to Talladega next spring.
* Our company has memberships to the Speedway Club. The way I understand it, they charge your account $500 per membership, per year, even if you don't use it.
* That's ok. I was in the grandstands watching the race so I don't know the details, but at the bars they hollered for last call with 40 laps left in the race. Then when the race was over they closed the bars.
* The attendants at the intersections were rude (this has just gotten worse for the last few races). I'm sure it's not fun dealing with 75,000 drunks for 2 weeks, but I have to deal with some people that are not very nice either. Deal with it.
* Security in our campground is not good. Our 6 camp spots are 1 row off the famous parade route. My pickup set behind the camper all week with the water tank in it. Nothing happened to it, but the camp next to us had a pickup vandalized. A camp across from us had someone go in the camper and urinate and puke in the floor. Our firepit is a huge draw especially as cold as it was, and thats not a problem. The problem is when kids show up.
* There were a few other things that happened involving camps in our immediate area also. Things stolen and vandalized.
* Some vehicles had the air let out of the tires Friday night.
* Thankfully no problems happened at our camp.
* We will have to make some decisions in the future regarding coming back and spending our money here.
* I don't really know a true amount, but guessing I would say our company spends at a minimum of $10,000 per year at TMS. I'm sure that's not enough to get Eddie Gossages attention, but we weren't the only ones that mentioned these problems.
* The racing was fantastic. A few times the race got strung out, but ANYTIME Jeff Gordon and Kyle Busch get crashed is a good race. The fight between Jeff Gordon and Jeff Burton made the news this morning. Fun times!
* Denny Hamlin has taken the championship lead from Jimmy Johnson. It's coming down to the final 2 races to decide the championship.
* This was how the Chase is supposed to work, and it's playing out to be the closest one ever.
* I just recieved a phone call from W-mom. My uncle is traveling in Africa and has came down with a serious case of Pancreitis(sp). He's hospitalized there. Say a prayer for him this morning.
* I need to get out and get packing, see ya Around The Corner!


Kathleen... said...

Sorry about your uncle, Mr. Corner! My Grandma had pancreatitis...scary stuff. =(

My SU was quite tickled at the fight news in his Sports section of the paper this AM. Can't STAND Gordon!

Oh, btw, the pastor at church asked if anyone had been to the races over the last few two boys (who'd previously been huddling quietly due to "new visitor" status) shot their hands up & Lil' Boy piped up, "We did, Daddy! Tell him about the trucks!" lol

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

Hey W, I found an exclusive photo of Jerry announcing Jason as the new head coach.

RPM said...

Sorry i didn't make it by but it was more crazy than usual. Stuff breaking, me sick and a dead phone.

I heard one of the off track shirt vendors got robbed for about $2K worth of merchandise. Never heard of problems before this race. Luckily our campground hasn't had any problems.