Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* By the time this posts we will be having breakfast at the Lonesome Spur in Justin TX, enroute to the campgrounds.
* Hoping its not a mudhole when we get there.
* That 300 gallon water tank, full of water, the camper and everything else that is loaded in my 3/4 ton pickup, has it low riding!
* I have my overalls, camo shirt, tennis shoes and Tony Stewart ball cap on. Just about as Redneck As I could be.
* W-preggo daughter seems to want to discuss something besides NASCAR on here.
* Message to W-preggo daughter ----->  MY BLOG, DEAL WITH IT
* The comments about the fast food yesterday were great. Actually I do have those small containers of tuna and crackers with me at all times. Zero cal/sugar mixes to mix with bottle water, and W-spouse usually keeps me hooked up with snacks that are good for me. The problem I seem to have more times than not, is that I entertain customers daily, and it's not always comfortable for them if they oreder a steak and all the trimmings and I order a salad.
* Another issue that we deal with is coming in late in the evenings, and not having time to cook. So its off to Sonic/Buger King/Whataburger etc......
* Mz, I disagree on something you said (go figure), I don't know where you are right now, but I would be willing to bet you my race tickets that you and I could line up at any red light in town, you head to Walmart to "pick up a few things" and me head to Sonic, and that I could beat you back to that red light. Running in to the store "quickly" here taint gonna happen!
* Its faster, and easier, thus the content of my question.
* It took 3 buggies to get out of Walmart last night. I'm glad most of it was expensed items. 2 buggies were of the liquid variety.
* Our firewood connection over in Bridgeport fell through. We will be headed to Keller today for a load of split wood.
* There are only 2 of us camping tonight, should be at least 10 tomorrow night. I bought a brisket and ribs to throw on the smoker today. Enough vittles to feed 30 people. I'm pretty sure once the smell of that cooking starts (in the words of Al) "wafting through the camp" (Deadwood reference) there will be some stragglers hanging around to feed!
* RPM, come see us and hang out, see ya Around The Corner!


wspouse said...

P.S. you make those overhauls look sexy

RPM said...

Heh, LOVE the Al Swearengen reference! I'll definitely be by for a bite of brisket and some "liquid" Thursday.

Which campground are ya'll in?

Jarhead™ said...

That picture made me laugh.

aroundthecorner said...

We are in the one that you come in to in front of the Brookshire Bros store A 3,5,7 and B 4,6,8. There should be a big tent set up tomorrow wIth Energy Fishing and Rental on the top of it.

Propagandist said...

There's a pretty good chance, you and I shop at the same place.

No kidding your truck is riding low. A gallon of water weighs 8.35 pounds which means 300 gallons weighs 2505 pounds.

mzchief said...

I do not shop at Walmart. Perhaps, you could get your lunch more quickly at IGA. BTW...Shopping for produce at IGA will be less likely to, cause blindness, leave you footless and/or KILL YOU as eating fast food. Guarantee you, NO ONE has ever, on their death bed said; "I wished I had not wasted so much time preparing healthful meals and had eaten more fast food."

I have a, severely diabetic, friend who frequently takes business associates to 4 and 5 star restaurants and eats to accommodate their diabetic requirements. If someone mentions their cautious diet they merely respond, "I got The 'betes and need to be careful with my diet. It's great to eat with someone who can enjoy the foods I used to eat."

RPM said...

I'll see if I can get in there tomorrow afternoon. They are pretty picky about letting me in there with my minitruck, but I know a way in (heheh). We have some friends that stay in that same campground on row KK. If all else fails I'll park & walk in.

We are on the opposite side of the track next to 156 at Finish Line campgrounds just off TMS property. Less rules, more party (if you can believe that).

Spent all day putting the finishing touches on everything and getting the RV loaded.

Shayne said...

W-Sister says: Hey bubba, sometime you have to take your favorite sister and W-B-law. By the way, I was curious if you figured out Sonic has a diet cherry limeade. It looks like you got lucky in the grandbaby department. Maybe at least another week.

wspouse said...

Well the day is winding down and so am I. Wgbaby #2 is still cookin! We'll see what tomorrow brings. Just so you know wpreggo daughter, I have no problem leaving TMS/NASCAR for that little bundle of joy. And neither does your dad, though I think he would give you less crap about it if you would at least concede to name the baby Tony. LOL :) Love ya, tell Madi gran loves her the most!

Kathleen... said...

Have a LOVELY, LOVELY time, Mr. & Mrs. Corner! [and RPM, if he joins you!]