Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It's a cold wooly booger out here. Doesn't that sound Redneck?
* Sticking with the Redneck theme, tomorrow starts race week for us.
* A few of us will be heading out in the morning to the campgrounds, W-spouse will be coming Thursday morning.
* The camper and provisionals are for the most part ready to go.
* A Walmart trip is planned for this evening and final packing.
* Our company has purchased a 300 gallon water tank and pump so that we don't have to buy water onsite. Guess who will have that in the back of their pickup. That will be me!
* I will be posting updates from the track the rest of the week. Hope you don't get bored with that. There might even be a few pictures.
* I watched Sunday nights episode of Empire Boardwalk last night. I will now concede to the fact that there is some really great acting, and as the plot thickens, it is holding my attention. RPM, you were right for telling me to hang in there.
* We found some firewood over in Keller that we will be picking up tomorrow. I hope a pickup truck load is enough with this cool weather rolling in.
* ATTENTION W-preggo daughter, please remain very still. No jumping up and down, no fast turns or moves till next Tuesday ;-)
* I hope to start back working on the welding trailer and welder next weekend. We have the welder in the shop building out of the weather so we can fix the oil leak and prep it for paint.
* W-papa will get bored at some point and tear it down, because he's good about things like that. Pretty much a natural mechanic. I'm pretty good at tearing things apart, he's good at putting things back together. The right way!
* W-spouse was on call last night. She got home and set/sat down to eat. 30 minutes later the phone rings and she's out the door again. I vaguely remember her coming home.
* Well the Rangers had a good run. I had fun giving my cousins wife a hard time about it on Facebook. She doesn't know it, but I watched every minute of every game.
* W-spouse is not a fan of baseball, she's more of a football fan. That's one thing we agree on.
* We agree on a lot of other things, I just can't think of any right now :)
* As they say in Nascar Land, "LETS GO RACING BOYS", see ya Around The Corner!


txtrigger said...

This is NOT cold! Shesh, wait until Feb. and it is blowin and snowin... wussy.... hehe (remember, I came from the land of sunshine and perfect weather year round!)

Unknown said...

I promise that I won't be doing any jumping or anything of the sort daddy :) BUT, just because I am not doing those things doesn't mean that she wont come when she wants to :) Have fun at the races, and I will try and at least wait until lap 5 or 6 to give you a call and tell you I am in labor. Love you.... P.S.---can we start talking about something else besides NASCAR please??

Kathleen... said...

I'm cold......=( BUT, I'm thrilled that it's loungewear, sweatshirt, scarf and socks weather!!!!! =)

txtrigger said...

Tiff, after the race he is gonna be talking aob ut that new grand baby! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I bet your cousin's wife reads your blog and now knows your secret about watching the Rangers!