Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, October 29, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* I woke up this morning to the most beautiful woman in the world lying/laying next to me. That's her in the picture above. Pretty you think?
* Temperature on my rear view mirror this morning was showing 39 degrees when I got on location.
* I'm not ready for winter, the boat isn't even winterized yet. Don't have to worry about winterizing our camper this year, we no longer own it.
* I do have 5 gallons of RV antifreeze that I forgot to send with the camper though. Papa can have it.
* One of my favorite NASCAR races takes place this weekend. Talladega. I want to go watch that race next year. My plans are to make the Talladega race next October and shoot back to the Texas race the next weekend. 10 days of nothing but road tripping and racing.
* Yeah right, and I bet I get a new Malibu Wakesetter for Christmas.
* If you have any interest in racing whatsoever, either for the speed or the crashes, this is the race to see. The speeds there are incredible, the drafting there can't be matched in my opinion at any other track.
* In the NASCAR world, this track normally produces the "Big One". Meaning a crash usually takes place that involves multiple cars. They will be traveling at speeds over 200 mph inches apart. One little bobble and mass exodus erupts.
* Ok, maybe I'm going overboard, but that's how fired up I get about this race.
* That and the fact that this time next week I will be blogging from Texas Motor Speedway in the camping area. We are getting a little excited about that.
* W-preggo daughter will find out next Wednesday morning if they will induce labor. I've got my fingers crossed that they will at least make her wait till the due date on the 9th.
* I can just see it now(picture this). 50 laps to go in the race, Tony Stewart is leading, my phone rings, W-preggo daughter is headed to the hospital in labor. Dang that will be a hard decision.
* It aint my fault she got pregnant when she did. They could have waited a few days. Sheeez :-)
* Whatever is best for my grandbaby Madison Renea, is what I want to happen. She won't believe this, but even if I miss the race, that is what I want!
* It's going to be weird not camping in our motorhome next week. We will be staying in a smaller camper that belongs to W-mom and W-papa. The upside of that is, NO PAYMENTS to make.
* Obi, After sending an emoticon to W-spouse, she had to have them set up on her phone. The next 20 posts I recieved from her were nothing but different smiley faces. Grrrr.
* Thanks letting me bore you with Nascar talk this morning, see ya Around The Corner!


txtrigger said...

Hubby gets an ALL ACCESS pass for NASCAR each season. NASCAR creditential, not just media. Gets him pretty much anywhere, pits, garage etc., and not just races he works, and he doesn't care ;-) But he did think getting his picture taken standing on the brick finishline at Indy was kind of cool

aroundthecorner said...

JJ, isn't it high time he "Hooks a Brother Up"?

Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

I have never been to a Nascar race. I could never get interested by watching it on TV except whenever A.J. Foyt would be back handing someone in the pit area. He might not have even been Nascar but open wheel. I have always heard that if I would ever go to a race in person that I would be hooked.

Anonymous said...

preggo daughter needs to deliver said baby on the 4th turn....

Anonymous said...

I've never understood all the Nascar hype. Not judging those who love it, I just don't get it. Drive fast and turn left. Pretty boring to me, but I've never seen it in person. Could change my whole perspective if I did, I suppose. Hope you guys have fun out there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, she is pretty, but I think my wife is the most beautiful women in the world (hehe). Honestly, if you think that you are a lucky man. To feel you are married to the most beautiful inside and out woman (to you) in the world is awesome.

I live near Atlanta GA and make the Talladega trip annually its very close. The race is spectacular, the back of the track is hard to see its so big. They get cranked up in those long packs and man the sound they make and the wind when they go by, little pieces of tire get all over everything and it is NASCAR heaven. The track is at least 60 miles from any town of any size. Great times. Boogity Boogity Boogity BOYS LETS GO RACING.

Kathleen... said...

Yeah, that's the downside of Emoticons, Mr. just can't help using ALL of the them....ALL the a kindergartener who's received a sheet of stickers. ;-)