Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It's still dark out while I am typing this. I got out a few minutes ago and just looked up to the prettiest sky. The moon was shining bright, the stars were shining bright. It was crystal clear for light years into the heavens.
* In our part of town there are a lot of night lights and getting to see the stars is something of gift when we are in a dark area.
* Another thing that bothers me about our home location. You can't see a sunrise until the sun is well into the sky, or a sunset. Trees block any view of the sunset that we have.
* While I have been working on the welding trailer over at W-moms, I have gotten to see some beautiful sunsets. They live on a hill and their views of both are spectacular.
* W-spouse and I like to spend a day on the lake and wait till well after sunset before we leave the lake, just to set and look at the sun go down.
* Behind me the sun is now breaking and there are so many colors in the sky.
* Thanks for all the comments on the question of the day yesterday. The most I have ever had on one post.
* I also took more hits on my blog yesterday than ever before. There was one hit from China, and a few from out of state, 4 from Colorada.
**EDIT** I just looked at my stat counter again, and there was also a hit last night at 10:pm on the equator just south of  Nigeria in the South Atlantic Ocean. Pretty cool me thinks!
* My stat counter does a lot of different things. One of which shows you what site a person linked from to get to my site. Who would have ever thought that 98% of my visitors come from the blog Gods place.
* I had quite a bit of down time yesterday and I looked at many blogs to occupy my time. There are a lot of different types of people that blog. Biker blogs, christian blogs, many political blogs, and many others with about the same agenda as mine, just throw it out there and let you read!
* I just got out and pumped 147 barrels of water. That is 6,147 gallons or 24,588 quarts just for your information.
* I can tie a square knot, but have never learned to tie a bowline knot.  No I wasn't in the Boy Scouts.
* This is a good version of a song that we sing during our praise and worship service at church. Its long, but worth it in my opinion.
* Tonight it is Trunk Or Treat night at our church. Central Fellowship, 1 mile west of Decatur on Hwy 380 on the north side of the road. Bring the kids for some hot dogs, cold drinks, games and more candy than you would want a kid to eat!
* I am hoping to attend and help out with whatever needs to be done.
* This will be our first weekend in a long time without anything on the agenda. We need to get the camper ready for next week, take that back.
* I started catching up on my WWF games last night. I have 9 games currently in progress. I tried to play "mark" last night and it would not let me play it because it recognized it as a proper noun. Two plays later my opponent played it in the very place that I couldn't. That game is out to get me. It's like it knows that it is my play and says "nope, your not playing that here".
* Maybe there is some sort of fingertip/fingertip recognition built into the game that I don't know about.
* That was a joke, no need to take that literal/literally and tell me how crazy it sounded. I already know.
* W-spouse and I had dinner at Dos Chilis last night. Saw quite a few old friends while there.
* W-spouse is always telling me who people are in Decatur that I don't know but she does. I do that to her while we are in Bridgeport.
* This morning when the alarm went off, W-spouse reached over and wrapped her arms around me and said "can we just snuggle for a while". Let me tell you people something. It's moments like that I live for!
* It's hump day, half way through the week. See ya Around The Corner!

EDIT: I, in no way meant for those last two bullet points to come out as they sounded, so I will leave them and let you minds wander off into that realm if your so inclined!


Answers? I don't know the questions. said...

People are going to wonder about the placing of your last two bullet points. lol

txtrigger said...

You can't tie a bowline? Your "Big O Texan" card may get revoked. Even *I* can tie one, and you KNOW where we moved from.

Bunny rabbit runs up out of the hole, around the tree, and back into the hole. It is such a simple knot.

Anonymous said...

W, u gave me my 1st smile of the day. Always enjoy reading your blog. sc