Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* It's another beautiful day in Texas!
* Sons of Anarchy is just getting better and better. W-stepson #2, his girlfriend and his friend all watched it at our house last night.
* They have Dish network and Dish and FX are having contract issues. So Dish has dropped FX for now. I hear Dish has lost a lot of customers over that move.
* They were reporting on the news this morning that most of the miners in Chile are out of the mine they have been stuck in for a long time.
* I worked in "open pit mining" for 17 years. No comparison to "underground mining". We had a few tunnels under the stockpiles though, just not very deep.
* I suppose that in some situations it was just as dangerous.
* I worked in Pennsylvania last year in their gas operations there. On one location I was on, I had to go through OSHA mining training because there was a mine operating on the same property.
* There were different opinions regarding the Question of the Day yesterday. Seems that most people would just keep it. Some would pay it forward. As for me, I like the pay it forward idea more than taking it back into the store. I tend to think that it will either go into the store account or employee pocket.
* Two years ago at Christmas I purchased W-spouse a very nice tennis bracelet. She had worn it one day. We went shopping at Northeast Mall and she had a sweater on. At some point she had taken the sweater off. When we got home, the bracelet was gone. She went back and retraced her steps through each store and told the managers and employees. She also searched diligently at our parking space where she removed her sweater. We never saw the bracelet again. Someone got a very nice present for Christmas thanks to us.
* I hope whoever wears it gets a rash on their arm.
* I really don't. Or maybe I do.
* W-spouse also lost her phone in the mall. It was turned in a few hours later. There are people out there that do the right thing.
* If my phone quits or gets missplaced, it's immediate panic mode. My phone is my work, no talk, no work.
* I also use it for other things, but I am very dependent on it for work.
* Looks like W-preggo daughter and W-mom have me lined up for installing cabinets, shelves and closet hangers this weekend. Poor welding trailer isn't going to get any attention.
* I had an immediate negative reaction yesterday to a comment over at LL. I did not respond because I don't like to debate religion, especially in a public forum. I did get an answer later, and understand now the meaning of the comment.
* I just recieved a text from W-spouse at the Hospital. She said they just felt an eathquake. Of course our souce of breaking news has it already posted at his place.
* I can see the comments now stating that it is due to the gas well drilling in the area.
* I am still having issues with one template that I use in Excel. I have saved it different ways and done everything that people told me to do. The others print and work fine. It says not responding for 30 seconds and then it will save. It takes 10 minutes to print out each page on our network at the office. If I hook my printer up in my pickup it doesn't take quite as long. The saving and not responding issues are driving me nuts.
* Of course the one that is giving me fits is the one that I use everyday, and is the most important one.
* Have a great shaking earthquake day, see ya Around The Corner!


Unknown said...

Your Excel problem can be caused from any number of things, saving the template in an earlier version on Office than the template was created in is the most common. Try sending it to Microsoft to see if they can fix it for you. I think ever licensed version of Office comes with a couple trips to Tech Support, free or low cost, and these boys can fix almost anything. Start here...

Kathleen... said...

One of the Dads at 5th grade PeeWee practice was wearing a "Sons of Anarchy" tshirt tonight. I swear, I thought, "Hey, 'Around the Corner' likes that show!" =)