Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Monday, October 11, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Another beautiful day to be working outside.
* It was a very busy weekend at Around The Corner.
* W-spouse was on call and worked all day Saturday. I worked on the welding trailer all day, and W-stepson cleaned his room, washed his clothes, mowed and weedeated.
* Sunday morning we went to Sunday school and worship service. Sunday after lunch Gran, Pops and Ava Grace went to the Pumpkin Patch to take pictures. Sunday evening we attended a youth retreat at the Gillespie Ranch on 730 north. Finally making it home around 8 pm last night.
* A whole weekend off and I don't feel rested at all.
* The Battle of Big Sandy game did not end like we would have wanted it too, but it was a good game and every player gave it their all. It was fun to watch, especially the second half.
* There was some funny comments in the post about Grammar Revisited. There was only one post that I didn't post. If the language would have been nicer I would have.
* The Cowboys suck.
* ATTENTION NON NASCAR FANS: Pass the next few posts.
* Our favorite driver Tony Stewart in the #14 car won the sprint cup race at Fontana California Sunday. His second win of the season. It puts him in 5th place in the cup chase. Mathematically, he could win the chase, anyone under him, it is going to be tough.
* The races here are 4 weeks from now. I'm getting excited about spending nearly a week out there in the camp grounds. We have stayed out there the last 3 years, twice a year. I know that some of you can't understand why we camp out there. You would have to go and be there to understand it. It is a group of people that are very friendly and fun to be around. I have heard of some problems in the other campgrounds, but where we stay at it is heavily patrolled.
* When I am out there it makes me wonder how we could be in a declining economy. 100,000 or so campers and nearly everyone of them being pulled by a new pickup of one model or another. Not to mention the motor homes!
* There is also a grocery store at our campground. Actually it is a huge tent set up by Brookshire Bros. 6 -8 cash registers and lots of freezers and shelves/shelfs of food. It's not much different than your local grocery store.
* If your interested and have small children, take 730 north of Decatur about 4 miles and turn left at the signs to go to the Pumpkin Patch. It's a fun place for children. They have hay rides, little small train trailers that they pull around with a 4-wheeler, a maze, petting pens with goats and other animals, and lots of pumpkins and places to take pictures. They charge a small amount and it is only open on the weekends. Great family fun for a very small cost.
* I hope you have a blessed and wonderful day, see ya Around The Corner!


Jarhead™ said...

I watched Days of Thunder yesterday.

You should be proud of me.

Anonymous said...

I love Smoke, too. But if NASCAR wants to keep me interested, we need more road courses. Until then, I'll be watching F1 - can't wait til the Eurotrash circus comes to Austin in 2012!