Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To My Dear W-Daughter #2

21 Years ago today you entered our lives. A beautiful little dark haired girl, with a cute smile that melted my heart. 21 years has made you into a beautiful woman with a smile that still melts my heart. I watched you as you took your first steps, and before long you were off and running, you haven't slowed down since. I watch you now, and listen to your voice, and I see myself many years go. It's hard to imagine that just a  short time  ago that I was watching you dressed in a cheerleaders uniform, cheering your team on. I remember watching you wear a trampoline out, and your million steps up and down the stairs of the playhouses that I built for you and your sister. You were the one that we always had to watch every minute. You would get into anything and everything, never afraid of what was in front you. You were the one that broke the bones, scraped your knees, and put things in your mouth that you were not supposed too. We chased you and hollered at you, spanked you and loved you. Very rarely did it ever slow you down. As you grew older, we knew that we would have to keep you on a "short chain". That didn't work, as you normally did whatever you wanted too anyway. You did well in school and were always one of the most popular girls there. You were a very dedicated cheerleader and never missed a practice or a game. As pretty as you looked in your Easter dresses, and as much as you liked the frilly things, you also had a tomboy side. You loved hunting and fishing also. Never missing an oppurtunity to set in a deer stand or load up in the boat with your Papa or me for a day on the lake fishing. To this day, the thought of fishing and hunting still excites you. You were never scared to don a pair of skis or a wakeboard and try to keep up with the boys. You have moved on to other things in your life now, boys and all the things that they do, now have become your passion. Working, horse-back riding, and enjoying times with friends has become your life now. It's hard to accept that fact, and as a parent, I should understand because I did the same thing. The time spent with Dad doesn't occur as often as I would like for it too now, and short of turning this into a pity party for Old Dad, I want to say that I love you. I miss our times together. I miss seeing your happy smile and being around your always cheerful attitude. You never fail to brighten a room, or bring a smile to other peoples faces and you are well known for that fact. I hear good things about you from others all the time. Vicki, I do love you. I will always love you, no matter what happens in your life, I will always be there to help support you. Understand that being 21 offers new challenges in your life, new obstacles, some of which may seem to tough to handle or too hard to bear. I know that you will make the right decisions in your life and if they seem overwhelming, you know you can turn to us for help and guidance.

Happy Birthday Vicki
With Love From Dad


Anonymous said...

W, every daughter in the world would want to receive a letter like this from her father. It is very touching & you express yourself so well. S

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to the best Lil' Sister anyone could ask for! I love you Vicki Lynn Lynn!!

Unknown said...

Thank you daddy so much:) You Made me Tear up... i never knew that you could write as well as you do... I Feel Old, and I miss being young,b/c dont realize what life is all about!!! its rough.. thank you very very much i love you.... VICKI

txtrigger said...

That was well written, and Vicki needs to have this printed out, and tucked away some place. And Happy Birthday Vickie! Hope it was a terrific day