Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

* If you were not up to see the sun come up, you missed some very beautiful colors in the sky. This picture does not even begin to capture it like I had hoped.
* W-dog was shaking the whole bed around 3am, and he does real good to weigh 10 pounds. Felt like a Great Dane was in bed with us.
* From my location I can see the Kenneth Copeland Ministries complex. I wonder just how much money goes through that place a day?
* I've always been a small town commuity church type of person. I have relatives that live down south in the place called Houston, a place where I was born and don't EVER want to go back unless I have to, that go to church at a very large church where they have multiple services every Sunday.
* The logistics involved with that must take a lot of people that are very involved.
* A church with 40,000 (I'm guessing that) members. I couldn't even begin to imagine the costs, and my uncle deals with that aspect daily. He's very devoted and a great man for doing so.
* One of our local churches has 7 AC units outside. That's a lot of tithing in itself just to pay the light bill.

* I'm currently dealing with cancelling insurance on the RV because it sold and getting insurance on W-stepsons ride that is arriving this weekend. PLUG: Thanks Jackie at Rhonda Shaw Ins. for all your help. I owe you that strawberry limeade and will deliver soon, if not this evening.
* In three years we had accumulated enough things in the motor home to start a new household. I see a garage sale in our future, or a donation to a college student.
* I get called Spiderman a lot. I won't live that episode down for a long time, if ever :)
***SHAMELESS PLUG*** W-spouse went to the getting pretty place yesterday. Man she looked hot last night! (He shoots, He scores).
* I got to see and hold our beautiful grandchild last night. She was in a bad mood, but I held her anyway. Her father is 6'5" and her mother is 6'. One of her grandfathers is 6'11". I'm pretty sure she's going to play basketball. I got approved last night to post pictures of her on this blog. They will be coming soon.
* I only got one comment yesterday. Pffft  !
* Gotta run, see ya Around The Corner!


Robin P. said...

I am right there with ya on the small town church! I go to Community (right behind your Central Fellowship). I have never felt God's presence in a HUGE church...seems like a business more than a place of worship.

Can't wait to see pics of your grand-baby!

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is Blue Angel ,I read your blog daily and really enjoy it, keep up good work.

Wspouse said...

Honey you knocked it out of the park! Thank you for noticing. Lol
Love you

janneba said...

I have read your blog since you started and I really felt sadness when the RV went down the road been there done that.LOL Love the hammer video. Just remember even if we don't comment that means you are doing good.

Anonymous said...

Several years ago a colleague said he'd been in the counting area at KC ministries and the operation was more sophisticated than what the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank (11th district) had.

Video surveillance over each counter's head, AND trained on their face, with a psychologist monitoring the cameras (supposedly they could tell more about someone stealing from watching the eyes).

I'm not saying that a sophisticated money handling operation is necessarily wrong, but I have a feeling that if Jesus walked in there, he might start yanking out coaxial cables right and left...