Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, September 3, 2010

* I used to have the television set to come on every morning at the same time as the alarm so I could catch the news and weather. I don't anymore for just this reason. To much BS.
* On the way to work this morning, the station I was listening to gave two news reports that were wrong.
* 1. Oil drilling platform exploded in the Gulf yesterday. No injuries and no leaks into the Gulf. First of all people, it was NOT a drilling platform. It was a production platform. The wells had been drilled for a long time. There were no drilling operations at all. It was basically the same thing that you see scattered all over our countryside covered in rock, except it was floating. You probably would not have even heard about it if not for the events in March. If you want to know more, ask in the comments and I will try to explain.
* 2. American Airlines pilot was drunk boarding a plane yesterday. The news is now reporting that was untrue. So now the guy is marked for life. He will be known as the pilot that showed up drunk for years from now. He needs to Lawyer up and figure out who reported this and have their job, and whatever else it takes to get his credibility back. JMO!
* I love flying. I don't want to actually fly the plane, just love to ride and look. A cousin of mine and his wife are both pilots. They fly everywhere and take people up all the time, which I think is very nice of them!
* The temperature this morning is unlike anything we have felt in a few months.
* That might put a damper on our late evening "bobbing" at the lake this weekend.
* We are very lucky to have parents that have worked hard to have things for us to enjoy and a place to go enjoy it.
* Killed three scorpions in our home in the last few months. We seem to be having a problem with creepy crawly things.
* Thanks for all the nice comments about our grand-daughter.
* Nascars races in November are around the same time as our second grand-daughter is expected to arrive. Now this is going to be a tough decision. Stay and watch a Nascar race, or be there when shes born?
* CALM DOWN W-daughter #1.......You already know the answer, I'm just kidding.
* W- daughter #1 hates Nascar. She has some perception of me torturing her back in the day and making her watch it every Sunday. I don't remember it that way.
* I really think she's a closet Jeff Gordon fan.
* Hey, they can send pics and video. There is very good phone reception at the track :)
* W-daughter #2 is a waitress at  Stevens St Grill in Bridgeport. She's the pretty brunette that is always smiling and running around about 30MPH. I'm pretty sure she might take after me in the talking department. She's "chatty cathy".
* If you see a blue extended cab, 4-wheel drive Dodge pick-up cutting donuts, spinning out or driving like a maniac around Decatur in the future contact me here. Or quickly get out of the way, his mother taught him how to drive........NOT ME.
* Our game tonight is in Gainsville. Last year when we played there, I got a phone call from the brass and had to go home and pack and head to Pennsylvania. Praying that doesn't happen again!
* We will be in "Cell Phone Hell" this weekend so posting after today will be slow till Monday.
* Get out today and enjoy the temps, see ya Around The Corner!


Wspouse said...

Honey you better check yourself before you wreck yourself! My driving skills are fantabulous...don't hate. BTW, the one you knocked out of the park yestarday, well it just went foul after that comment. lol Temps are great, I understand the wildlife feeling frisky! Now, to redeem yourself you have to post this... GO EAGLES, GO EAGLES, GO GO GO EAGLES!!!!
Love you,
P.S. don't forget to proof read

Anonymous said...

Go to the feed store and get Horse and Stable spray. Spray the baseboards in your house. Guaranteed to get rid of scorpions and all bugs.

Unknown said...

I hate to bust your bubble, but I am not a closet NASCAR anything!!! And I sure hope that Maddie isn't born on a NASCAR day because I will never live that one down!