Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* Hal-a-lew-ja. I get to start back to work tomorrow. That my folks is the power of prayer!
* W-preggo daughter didn't like me firing up the welding machine this morning. She was sleeping with the windows open and I might have woke her up.(waken her?) (awaken her?) <-----Grammar Nazis choose which one you like.
* That girl has a rude awakening in about 7 weeks. She will be lucky if she gets to sleep any when Madison gets here.
* I really hope Madison will be like her mother was. She slept all the time and all night. Very little problems with her.
* At any rate, she better get used to getting woke up early.
* Thanks Cuz for the phone call about the Itunes. I figured it would be something simple and easy.
* It's a good thing I'm going back to work. We was fixin to start having to cook Beans and Cornbread around here!
* Not really, but that sounds real redneck.
* I finally went to sleep around 3 am this morning and was awake at 7am. Don't know what the problem is, but it better not happen tonight.
* Obi has been blogging about the Sister Wives show. I got to see the first episode around 2 am this morning. That dude can't make up his mind what size wife he wants, or what color hair he likes on them.
* I would sure like to have that much help when I do the yardwork around here though.
* I might tell W-spouse that we need to have a family meeting and that I'm adding a second wife ;-)
* She would respond like this "Whathellever". Bet money on it.
* Just forget about the sleeping arrangements and all that married stuff. Think about it logistically. How do you all go out at the same time? How much is the food bill? How much are the utility bills? How do you afford cars and insurance for the kids when they make it to driving age? How much trash do they accumulate in a week? Toilet paper? I can't even begin to imagine.
* Me likes our arrangement just like it is!
* Some very young people have died in the last few days in vehicle accidents.
* This may sound morbid so don't take it that way. When I was on the Fire Department, I thrived on the wrecks and fires. I hated the medical calls. Not because I don't like the medical aspects of it, but because 90% of the time it was some person that there was nothing wrong with them.
* Get called out at 3 am in the morning because some idiot took to many pills, or couldn't fart.
* I wasn't very sympathetic to those calls. Sorry.
* I'm very proud of the fact that 2 of my stepsons are professional fire fighters. One of them just passed his state exam for his Paramedic. Way to go Caso!
* We got the transmission back today and all the brand new parts. My welding project may have to be put on hold for a few days till we get the pickup back together.
* It's time to chill, see ya Around The Corner!


Kathleen... said...

LOL! I love your take on Mr. Wife Hoarder! Isn't he just a little too skippy? And I completely agree....he's seriously conflicted with regards to his "type." Or, maybe that's the problem -- everyone's his Type??

Blech. And to think my Big Boy asked, "How come there's not a show about a lady with lots of husbands?" Shush, Child!!

Wspouse said...

Honey you know me so well...whatthehellever! You can have as many more wives as you think you can handle that doesn't negatively affect my world. My contract would state: can't use my stuff, can't spend my money, I'm not mothering any more kids, and they have to cook/clean/wash/ and go to the Wal-Marts/can't wear white after labor day or before Easter/no high waisted elastic jeans until you get your AARP card/no wife beater tank tops/must have more teeth than tats and the tats have to be spelled correctly/can't have blonde hair with brown or black eyebrows/and any addendum I choose at any time.

Kathleen... said...

Amen, Wspouse. ;-)