Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself. Harvey S. Firestone

The people with whom you work reflect your own attitude. If you are suspicious, unfriendly and condescending, you will find these unlovely traits echoed all about you. But if you are on your best behavior, you will bring out the best in persons with whom you are going to spend most of your waking hours.

Some people get spiritual because they see the light and some people get spiritual because they feel the heat!

How do you know if you're truly a servant? See how you react the next time someone treats you like one.

Friday, September 17, 2010

From The Corner Of My Mind

* The Eagles travel to Carrolton Ranchview tonight. Football is once again all the rage around here.
* There was a wreck on 51 South yesterday evening. W-spouse stopped and made sure that everyone was ok and stayed till the Medics and FD arrived. She's real good about that.
* W-stepson #1 arrived on scene on the first firetruck, and as he walked by she spoke with a greeting she normally uses to him, and said "hey baby". Another fireman turned around and looked at her and must have thought she was hitting on a young fireman. Very awkward moment for her. I thought it was funny.
* W-spouse has been on my case concerning the grammar on this blog. For instance, the difference between setting and sitting. OK OK OK, I got it! Maybe.
* In my very first post I made it clear that my grammar probably wouldn't always be correct.
* She thinks it makes me look stupid. I asked her to go out in the backyard and take the boat motor apart without making any mistakes. I'm wondering what that would look like?
* Another day of not working for me. It's nice having a little mini vacation, but the pay won't be so nice.
* I do have the laundry caught up.
* Did I just break a man law or man code?
* Yesterdays Rose story must have not been as funny as we thought it was.
* Try the Love Shack out. You won't be dissapointed in the food if you like burgers.
* My blood sugar level was akin to the height of Mt Everest this morning. I'm at a loss as to why?
* Oatmeal and 1 slice of wheat toast was the breakfast menu.
* Being Diabetic sucks, but I have only myself to blame.
* When I was first diagnosed, I thought it was something that would go away if I exercised and changed my diet drastically. Yes you can control it that way, NO, it will never go away. Once a diabetic, always a diabetic.
* Another misconception I had was that only women start to change as they approach 50. I fear attacks so that will be enough on that subject.
* Thanks for all the help with my Excel issues. Fixed the home PC, haven't tried it on the laptop yet.
* I've taken numerous Excel classes in the past and I still only know the basic functions.
* This girl has talent. She just might be kin to me somewhere down the line also.
* I can see the big picture some of the time, but she knows how to photograph the things within the big picture that can captivate you. Something I need to learn how to do.
* That and figure out all the settings on this camera that I have.
* I also need a zoom lens for those close up shots. <------HINT: CHRISTMAS
* I hope they don't ask us to fill out a visitors card at church this week. We haven't been in three weeks.
* Our youth minister has been called to follow a new direction in life. He will be hard to replace. He and his wife were very dedicated to our youth group. May God bless you and yours and thank you for all that you have done for us.
* Thanks for stopping by, see ya Around The Corner!


StephanieInTexas said...

Thanks... W-Cousin! :)

Robin Phillips said...

High blood sugar this morning could be left over from the Gogo Gumbo dessert last night!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

instead of step-son or step-daughter...why not chosen son #1 or chosen daughter #1????

Kathleen... said...

I just SAT down to read!